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Microsoft Copilot


Microsoft Copilot is an artificial intelligence tool that uses advanced language to optimize content creation, editing and analysis.


Microsoft Copilot can be accessed from the following address:

      • Click on “Sign In”.

      • Log in with your Iscte account credentials (username and password).
      • After authentication, you will be redirected to the Microsoft Copilot home page.


    To start a new conversation:

        • Use the text box at the bottom, with the text “Message Copilot…”.
        • Write the message and send it by clicking on the arrow on the right (see image below) or press Enter.

    To view previous conversations:

        • Click on the button on the right marked in the image below.

        • This button shows/hides a sidebar with the conversation history.


    To access the user guide with full instructions, from initial access to advanced features, click here.